Mechanism-Free "Solid-State" Airfoils and Hydrofoils [Full YouTube Playlist]

Control of Bistable Structures & Bistable Wings [Full YouTube Playlist]

Mechanism-Free "Solid-State" Rotors for Drones, Turbines, etc. [Full YouTube Playlist]

Project funded by the DOE ARPA-E SHARKS Program - Collaborative project by UM (lead), Rutgers, & OSU.

Rutgers Team Contributions to the Project Inception and Proposal: All of the key design concepts (reconfigurability, arraying, ducting, mooring, etc.) of the project have been conceived by either O. Bilgen, or by O. Bilgen and R. Wang together. The narration (explanation, justification, etc.) of the concepts for the concept paper and the technical volume has been done by O. Bilgen. Proposal team forming has been initiated by O. Bilgen.

Related Papers: (for all papers, please see the Publications page)

  • XX. Shan, X., and Bilgen, O., In Second Review, “A Fully Coupled Electromagnetic-Hydrodynamic-Rigid Body Kinetics Model for Moored-Submerged Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Arrays”
  • 50. Shan, X., and Bilgen, O., in print, “Circuit Representation of Ducted Hydrokinetic Turbines Based on Blade Element Momentum Method,” Energy. Accepted June 6, 2024.
  • 103. Methon, G., Erol, M., Sharghi, H., Shan, X., and Bilgen, O., 2024, “A Structural Analysis for the Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Array Concept,” AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, January 8-12, 2024, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • 99. Erol, M., Shan, X., and Bilgen, O., 2023, “Parameter Identification of a Reduced-Order Model for the Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Array Concept,” AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 23-27 January 2023, National Harbor, Maryland, USA.
  • 98. Erol, M., Shan, X., and Bilgen, O., 2022, “An Equivalent Circuit Model for The Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Array Concept,” ASME 2022 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2022), Dearborn, Michigan, September 12 - 14, 2022, SMASIS2020-91270.
  • 90. Bilgen, O., Wang, R., Cao, Y., Erol, N., and Shan, X., 2022, “A Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Array Concept for Renewable Flow Energy Harvesting,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, January 3-7, 2022.

Related Papers:

Selected Journal Papers: (for all papers, please see the Publications page)

  • 51. Du, X., Liang, J., López Muro, J., Qian, G., Burlion, L., and Bilgen, O., in print, “Development of a control co-design optimization framework with aeroelastic-control coupling for floating offshore wind turbines,” Applied Energy. Accepted June 14, 2024.
  • 48. Tu, Yu, Zhang, K., Han, Z., Zhou, D., and Bilgen, O., 2023, “Aerodynamic characterization of two tandem wind turbines under yaw misalignment control using actuator line model,” Ocean Engineering, Volume 281, pp. 114992. ISSN 0029-8018.
  • 43. Zhang, K., Shah, B., and Bilgen, O., 2022,” Low-Reynolds-number aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils with piezocomposite trailing control surfaces,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 4.

Mechanism-Free "Solid-State" Wings [Full YouTube Playlist]

Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Arrays (RDTA) for Hydrokinetic Energy

Onur Bilgen, Ph.D.

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

OpenTurbineCoDe - An Open-Source Control Co-Design Framework [Full YouTube Playlist]

UAVs & Drones with Mechanism-Free "Solid-State" Control Surfaces [Full YouTube Playlist]

Selected Projects [ YouTube Page - Google Scholar - Elsevier Scopus - ORCID ]